$9000. USD

Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography
Greg French Early Photography

"We all know how beautiful the stones and pebbles in the limpid brook of the forest where the water absorbs the blue of the sky and the green of the foliage. Yet when we take the same iridescent pebbles from the water and dry them they are dull and lifeless. So it is with the orthodox photographic print, but in the orotones all that translucency is retained, and they are as full of life and sparkle as an opal." - Edward Curtis, quoted in the Los Angeles Times, February 2, 1919.

CURT-TONE, OROTONE, GOLD TONE. It should be noted that Curtis often referred to this process as 'Curt-Tone.' He also used 'Orotone,' and the art establishment has embraced 'Goldtone.' All three terms are correct and interchangeable.

This orotone has excellent tonal quality. It's not too dark, it's not too light. The negative for this photograph is from 1904.

CURTIS LOGO STAMPED IN THE NEGATIVE. The Curtis name and L.A. (indicating Los Angeles), with a copyright sign, are at the lower right corner.

PLEASE NOTE: THIS OROTONE DOES NOT HAVE THE ORIGINAL STICKER on reverse. However, as we point out elsewhere, it has superior tones; a large size; and a lovely, original, vintage Batwing frame.

SIZE. This orotone is the 11 x 14 inch size, and not the more common 8 x 10 inch size. Anything larger is extremely rare.

ORIGINAL FRAME. Curtis used several different frames for The Vanishing Race. This one is original, and is a variant of the Batwing style (variant P on the Curtis Legacy Foundation site). In our humble opinion, this is one of the nicest Batwing frames in existence. It is particularly appealing and attractive. It measures approximately 15 3/4 x 18 3/4 inches.

CONDITION. The black specks at upper right are part of the orotone process. Very good condition.

APPEARANCE. Excellent tonal range. Large size. Handsome original presentation.